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Living authentically despite societal pressures

# love is love

As we celebrate Pride Month a time dedicated to honoring and celebrating us the LGBTQ community we want to take a moment to appreciate the lovely souls among us at Azadi. Our community is enriched by the presence of these individuals whose friendliness, kindness, and pure hearts have touched us all. In a world where acceptance and love can

 sometimes be hard to find the LGBTQ members of Azadi, governed by Azadi's values, vision, and mission stand as beacons of hope and resilience.

#allyship is a verb that requires action.

Pride Month means stepping into our light and taking complete joy in celebrating love so let's all ensure that queer individuals can live openly and authentically without fear of harassment and violence in our society.

Our message is sincere so join us let's make it clear that we are just human in this beautiful parade so embrace us with love and acceptance parade. #AllyshipInAction

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